What is Aromatherapy?


Aromatherapy is the use of the aromatic oils extracted from plants to improve physical and emotional wellbeing.

Essential oils are understood as the ‘life force’ of the plant and contain many chemicals which are therapeutic – both to the plant, and to us.

They can be sedative, uplifting, grounding, and balancing to your mind. They can also be practical, offering pain relief, soothing muscles and aches or help to detox your system or provide anti-bacterial support.

They are classed as volatile oils and need to be used with care and with just a few exceptions, they MUST be diluted in a carrier oil. Essential oils are one of the few things we put on our skin that can actually penetrate into the blood stream. This is because the molecules in the oil are so tiny. This is true also when inhaling essential oils as the molecules enter the lungs and then the blood capillaries. Because of this, they can offer incredible benefits for the mind and body. As an example, German Chamomile contains a beautiful deep blue chemical called chamazulene which is amazing for inflammation. The oils are then naturally excreted through the body systems back out again after doing their work!

What are your favourite scents and smells? I absolutely adore the smell of Ylang Ylang! Such a vibrant and intoxicating scent. It works as a calming sedative, but also lifts mood and spirit. On a practical level, it is a very useful skin oil and also good for helping with high blood pressure.